Episode 107 of ONLY MURDERS is so good I'm going to give it two entries. Today, a really simple idea.
So you've got a show where you use narration in a slightly unusual way--instead of one character serving as the narrator, instead different characters are given that opportunity.
Great. So you could just ride it out like that. Ooh, let's hear from this random person (like 108 and Sam the fan) or that character that's essential the story (like 105 and Tie Dye Guy).
But the writers of ONLY MURDERS ask a further question: What's the coolest thing I could do with this technique? aka What's the thing I've never seen before? Or that would be the most interesting? Or that would be the hardest to pull off?
And out of that comes Episode 107, the silent episode focused around Theo, who is deaf.
As soon as that episode begins I'm leaning in as an audience member, because it is something I've never seen, it's interesting and it's clearly going to be a challenge to pull off. And also, it is an instinctive delight for the audience to see writers reveling in their own concept. Great craft--it's always attractive, in and of itself.
There's a great improv idea, If this is true, then what else is true. It's a way of taking an initial concept or move--the housewife who is obsessed with comic books--and expanding upon it in fun ways--she named her kids Peter Parker, Luke Cage and Jean Grey (and yes, she changed their last names, and they are furious about it).
In 107, ONLY MURDERS shows how that story question can also apply to technique. If I can do POV with any character, what could that mean?
Does your pilot have an unusual technique in it? If so, what fun things could you do with it in future episodes?